Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm Grateful...

As I was surfing Facebook the other day, I came across a post by my friend, Tammy, where she mentioned that in addition to the "Grateful Jar" she has, she was going to start taking a picture a day, for the year, of something she is grateful for or just something that makes her smile.  That inspired me to want to do the same.  So, I decided to make this blog for that little project.  

Now, I will do my best to take, and post, a picture a day of something I am grateful for (or one that just makes me smile and/or happy).   I am already a couple of days behind.  But better late than never, right?  :)

I was inspired to do this project by Tammy.  Tammy was inspired by this: 

I want to do this because I feel like I take a lot of things (and even people) in my life for granted.  I don't like that.  I need to make myself aware of the good around me.  Of what makes me smile.  Of things I am grateful for.  Life is short.  I am tired of the constant negativity that surrounds me and I realize that if I want to do away with that then I need to change that.  This might be just a tiny way to do it, but hey, it's a start, right?  :)

I hope you will follow me through this year of documenting my gratefulness (and kick me in the butt to continue if you see me slacking!)  Perhaps maybe I can inspire you to do it along with me.  :)

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